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像鸟一样自由:索萨纪事 (1983)

  • 别名:Mercedes Sosa: free like a bird
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 导演: Ricardo Wullicher
  • 演员: Mercedes Sosa
  • 语言: spanish
  • 地区: argentina
  • 上映时间: 1983-10-06
  • 片长: 未知
  • 资源状态:
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像鸟一样自由:索萨纪事原名:Mercedes Sosa: como un pájaro libre,又名Mercedes Sosa: free like a bird

Documentary on several of Mercedes Sosa's performances at different places in the country, and the revival of popular music in the early '80s. The Argentine folk singer Mercedes Sosa was banned in her native land for many years because of her stance against totalitarianism, yet her excellent voice and popular songs kept her name alive and gave her a worldwide reputation. When t...

发布于1983年。由Ricardo Wullicher执导,集众多位Mercedes Sosa等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1983-10-06公映的电影。


Astrid 2016-02-06

Mercedes Sosa: como un pájaro libre是一部有关阿根廷左翼民歌音乐家Mercedes Sosa的纪录片。包括她被流放时在西班牙的巡演现场,以及1983年解禁后重回阿根廷举办演唱会时的盛大场面,还有一些她接受媒体采访的片段、幕后彩排和她在录音室谈起自己的童年和被迫**海外的经历等。

27号 2010-09-17
