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失落城市之旅 (1960)

  • 别名:血溅迷城
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 导演: 弗里茨·朗
  • 演员: 黛博拉·佩吉特 / 保罗·霍布施米特 / 沃尔特·雷耶尔
  • 类型:冒险
  • 语言: 德语
  • 地区: 意大利 / 法国 / 西德
  • 上映时间: 1960-10
  • 片长: 94分钟
  • 资源状态:
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失落城市之旅原名:Journey to the Lost City,又名血溅迷城

One of the last cinematic projects to be worked on by legendary German film director Fritz Lang, Journey to the Lost **** is really a combination of two films made in serial-like fashion set in India. The films tell the story of an Indian dancer(who obviously is not Indian) going to the "Lost" ****(which seems to be very easy to find)to perform for the Majarajah, a German actor...



赱馬觀♣ 2011-01-27
