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哈利与管家 (1961)

  • 别名:哈里与管家
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 导演: Bent Christensen
  • 演员: Osvald Helmuth / Ebbe Rode / Gunnar Lauring
  • 类型:喜剧 / 家庭
  • 语言: 丹麦语
  • 地区: 丹麦
  • 上映时间: 1961-09-08(丹麦)
  • 片长: 105分钟
  • 资源状态:
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哈利与管家原名:Harry og kammertjeneren,又名哈里与管家

Set in the late fifties in Denmark the poor junk yard assistant Harry inherits some money. He decides to use the money to hire a butler. The butler isn't too keen on the *** at first, but he takes it because there aren't that many butler-jobs around at the moment. In the beginning both of them don't know what to expect of the other, but find a way to satisfy both of them. The p...

发布于1961年。由Bent Christensen执导,并且由编剧本特·克里斯滕森携幕后团队创作。集众多位Osvald Helmuth、Ebbe Rode、Gunnar Lauring等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1961-09-08(丹麦)公映的电影。



第15届戛纳电影节:主竞赛单元 金棕榈奖(提名)。


[已注销] 2015-03-18
