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晒伤斑 (2018)

  • 别名:Sunburn
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 导演: Vicente Alves do Ó
  • 演员: 雷卡杜·佩雷拉 / Oceana Basílio / Nuno Pardal
  • 类型:剧情 / 同性
  • 语言: 葡萄牙语
  • 地区: 葡萄牙
  • 片长: 92分钟
  • 资源状态:
  • 更新时间:
八戒共享 暂时没有为您收集到播放资源!







晒伤斑原名:Golpe de Sol,又名Sunburn

A modern villa in the dry Portuguese summer landscape. The sun scorching bright high in the sky, **** well-built bodies - three male, one female - hanging out by the pool, on the porch, in the bedrooms. All seem to be waiting for something, or as it soon turns out - someone. Scene by scene we are revealed the complex interpersonal relations and the most important, the relation ...

发布于2018年。由Vicente Alves do Ó执导,并且由编剧Vicente Alves do Ó携幕后团队创作。集众多位雷卡杜·佩雷拉、Oceana Basílio、Nuno Pardal等著名实力派明星加盟。


文西 2021-04-20


Sr皮可西 2020-04-11

我就说怎么那么眼熟,原来是Eden里的男主啊~ 此片又是一部**佳作,不过后半段很精彩,情愫都堆积起来并迸发了~

hayden 2020-01-05


同志亦凡人中文站 2019-07-13
