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Europa 2005 - 27 octobre在线观看和下载

Europa 2005 - 27 octobre (2006)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 导演: 让-马里·斯特劳布 / 达尼埃尔·于伊耶
  • 语言: 法语
  • 地区: 意大利
  • 上映时间: 2006
  • 片长: 12分钟
  • 资源状态:
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Europa 2005 - 27 octobre

The Italian producer Enrico Ghezzi commissioned the movie to Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet to celebrate Roberto Rossellini's centenary. Asked to imagine a moment in the life or the death of Ingrid Bergman's character in Europa '51, their reading of Rossellini yielded this political pamphlet about the death of two Parisian youngsters who, chased by the police, hid in a h...


《Europa 2005 - 27 octobre》评价

ξ 2023-06-12


kis 2022-05-08

Europa 2005, 27 Octobre (2005) is a ciné-tract, a pamphlet shot in video form, which responds to the deaths of Bouna Traore and Zyed Benna, two Parisian teenagers who were electrocuted in 2005 when they entered a high-voltage power substation in an attempt to escape from police. Their deaths ignited three weeks of uprisings across France. In five camera pans, Straub and Huillet document the dead-end location of this atrocity, thus ****** evident the violence and iniquity of the authorities.

Muyan 2013-05-20

Programme de courts métrages de Jean-Marie Straub 0321 CC-JD(已录)

Mannialanck 2013-03-15
